Huwebes, Oktubre 11, 2012

Day Ten-Eleven-Twelve Twenty-Two:Thirteen

Hi, hi! Asma here again!.. Well, maybe Asma is all alone and there are just some people passing by every now and then! ANYway... Asma is back with another review of sorts! The brief one mind you! And it's another manga that was just released, and translated, a few days ago! Asma presents to you: Over Image!

Manga: Over Image
Genre: Action, School Life, Shounen, Supernatural!
Author: Yusa Mahiro
Artist: Uhh... Asma doesn't know yet?!

Description!: A colourless world, a pure white world, a world where everything is filled with only one colour. What ought to be a young man's usual route to school - Sai was suddenly blown away, it was such an extraodinary world. There, he witness two young girls' fight unfold before him. One of them is a blonde girl he has never seen before, and the other is Mikage Mikuro, a senpai at his Highschool. Then, the blonde girl appeared as a transfer student before Sai, who has just returned to the original world. In order to grant her wish, she joined the battle game "Over Image" on her own and now she seem to have come to sought out Sai to be her campanion. "Two points. Are you my enemy? Or are you a harmless citizen?"

Asma found this manga interesting! Well, firstly the description interested her actually sooo... After reading it... Wellllllll... Asma found it interesting!.. Okay, Asma was just fooling around for a bit, sorry! -cough cough- Anyway... The story starts when Sai, the awesome protagonist, was going to school... Before he appeared in another world!.. Well, not really another world but somewhat the same. Like what the description told us, Sai witnessed Mikage Mikuro: a senpai of sorts and Miriabilica Stacato: a student that transferred to Sai's school! Well, to keep the intro short Sai jumped in to stop the fight between the two after persuading Mikaga a bit... But then again Sai was confronted by Miria whether he was an ally of Mikage, just a harmless citizen, or an enemy of hers: in which Sai said the middle portion of the choices given!.. Asma wouldn't spoil anymore except something like... this:

Yeah, that's Sai: one of the main characters! Awesome, isn't he?! Well, Asma suggests you read this new manga if you are interested! Oh... Asma should tell more about the story and background of the manga! Well, Asma would start about the title: Over Image. It's a fighting game where others compete with each other and their 'companions' to have their wish granted!.. Well, this 'wish' is different from each other and ALSO affects their 'power' in the world of imagination!.. In the above image: Sai's code name is White Wight. And I must say, his wish is something similar to a certain anime, slash manga, that Asma know... Clue: index and railgun. Though the former mostly shows it since the latter has another plot of sorts.

Four is to Five!

Four is to Five!

Four is to Five!

Four is to Five!

Yeah... Asma might sound unreasonable since she picks only mangas that interests her... Soooo... If you are reading this, Asma would welcome it if you suggest a manga for her to read! Anything will do but she prefers NOT yaoi! Haha!.. Okay, maybe a bit of yaoi is good but still... Asma likes reviewing!.. Provided she reads the whole series first before doing a review. -nod-

- Asma's surfing for a bit!.. Or sleeping soon but who knows if Asma can make another post?! Well, Asma out! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Miyerkules, Oktubre 10, 2012

Day Ten-Ten-Twelve Twenty-Two:Thirty-Eight

Asma here! Yeah... I know the name would be odd, but eh, who cares?! xD Like I said in my introductory, in which I forgot to put the time, I plan on blogging what interests me and this time!.. It's a manga called! -enter drumming sequence here!..- Arachnid by Murata Shinya, the Author, and its artist Ifuji Shinsen!

Did anyone see this manga yet? Well, first off, let's start with the genre and what-not description of the manga, Arachnid: oh, and please bear with me oookay?!



Murata Shinya.

Ifuji Shinsen.

Action, Ecchi, Mature, Shounen!

Riiiiight... I may be bad at speaking English, and usage of words to sentences and paragraphs, but that won't stop Asma from doing what Asma really wants to d- AH CRUD! I forgot the description! Wait a minute...

Alice is a senior high school student who lives with an uncle that spends his time tormenting her everyday. One day, Alice witnesses the death of her uncle by the hands of an assassin called "Kumo" (Japanese for Arachnid). She then falls unconscious, and upon waking up, she finds out that she's in Kumo's house... Now, this Alice who no longer has any family is being raised by the assassin himself..!

So let's get to the point while I'm still not sleepy or something! Arachnid is somewhat a 'dark', and yes that mature genre over there makes it really mature thanks to the contents in which I'll leave to your imagination or till you read it, and is like a mini bug, slash insect, dictionary! Yeah, it might not cover every bug in the world but most of it like the arachnid, the scorpion, the hornet, the grasshopper errr... I'll get killed by tha- OH the cricket rather!, the... uhh.. 'Boss' in which Asma doesn't know what insect it  is based and there are other people in the school as well that still are shadowing a lot!

Asma might sound stupid about this, yes it seems Asma'll be referring to herself a lot now to prevent Asma's gender from being known, so let's begin with what Asma thin- EHHHHHHH! I forgot about the cockroach! Gah! Stupid! Well, I'm too lazy to edit... Haha! -cough cough- ...Anyway! It's about Alice, a student in high school at senior year, who lives with an uncle who was killed by an assassin naming himself as Kumo in which then helps Alice develop her killer, slash assasin, skills within herself. I don't know if it's just me or something but it seems that the two are related in a way: there's no way Alice would have been able to master her 'skill' as an arachnid if it wasn't on her genes or something!.. Though Asma may be wrong then again since she could have the potential already within her when she was still young!

The manga is still continuing, on-going, as we speak. I kinda like it when I was spamming the 'random' or 'surprised' in manga sites in which, of course, led to me reading Arachnid. I don't know about the Author but how he thought of the story is SPLENDID! Well, of course every Author in the world is good and what-not even if they are deemed not by others! SO AUTHORS, BE PROUD OF YOUR WORK! EVEN IF OTHERS FORSAKE YOU, DON'T MIND THEM! THEY'RE NOT YOU AND THEY'RE JUST JEALOUS! HAHA!.. -cough cough- Anyway, where was Asma again? -scrolls up for a bit- Oh, riiiight. I was talkiing about the Author but now that's done, eh?! No idea about the Artist, Asma is telling you now that she didn't research about the people behind the manga yet since she decided to make first a brief description with awkwardness and some time later a detailed review of the manga! So please bear with Asma for now while she's fooling around trying to be awake!

With the people behind the manga done... Let's go to the... uhh... Artwork?! Some of the work is colored, some are not!.. Okay, Asma is sorry so let's go to the real point: at first it might be a 'slice of life' manga where it shows some of our dear students, including Asma mind you, being abused and harassed in school. So... what if you wanted it to change along with your life?.. But when it finally dawns and reaches out a hand at you stained with the blood of the last person you love: will you take hold of it? My dear friends, in this society, it is now merely a survival of sorts similar to the insects in which we are not fond of do every now and then. The savior who took away your loved ones suddenly adopted and helped you realized something within you... Something... sinister and daaaaark! In this case, the killer instincts of Alice and her 'special ability' in which I won't be spoiling till you read it though here's a hint: mental disorder.

The fighting scenes are COOL! and, and, AWESOME! Yeah, they were, really! Using special kind of weapons via their specified insects along with an explanation made Asma... speechless and merely had her store of knowledge about insects increase further! So Asma cover out the Action, the Shounen, the Matur- OH, Asma forgot to mention Ecchi... Ehehe... Well, it's almost shows persons being naked or either in their underwear as shown to... some parts of the manga's chapters and volumes.

And that's all folks!.. Yeah... Asma knows: she's been stupid and awkward while making this brief review but Asma promised to make a detailed one!.. Well, maybe give Asma a week or two... Or maybe less?!

Four is to Five.

Four is to Five.

Four is to Five.

Four is to Five.

Asma's Reasoning:
Asma would loooooooove to give a Five to everything but nothing is perfect after all: there are some flaws, well not really flaws but there were things that weren't necessary in which Asma forgot to say, so... Asma's giving the manga, Arachnid, a score of 'Four is to Five!' The Story is nice, the Artwork is nice, the Theme for both the latter fits!

- Asma out!.. And the persons featured in the covers are Alice and Cockroach, the one with antennas!, in the pictures! Asma is feeling a bit dozy now so... NIGHT NIGHT, PEOPLE! -goes to sleep!-

Day Ten-Ten-Twelve!

Uhh... Let's see... This is my very first blog to make so it might not be good in comparison to the bloggers out there in the net. I don't know if this blog would be seen or not but oh well!

Hiiiiiii! Yeah, I just sounded stupid as if someone was reading my blog other than me that is. Well, you might say I have high expectations in blogging since people said it's fun and what-not like that 'special' someone I have and what-not! >.>b I know little to none HTML Coding since I fail that much! Haha!

Anyway... Whilst I'm making this blog, or was it called an article?, I better introduce myself... -cough cough- Ehem. I'm Alma Shal Mael Armia, yes that is a long name if you were wondering, I'm eighteen, I'm a bisexual but genetically female mind you, and... Uhh.. I like anime and playing games like Yu-Gi-Oh, DotA, LoL, and many much more?!

The animes I like are... well, the genres at least, are ecchi and gender bender!.. I like yuri over yaoi... I don't get the latter really over the girls lately. ~.~ Same-sex relationship is cool though so I support gays and lesbians!.. I'm not a racist or anything or a person that hates religion or anything and yes I tend to repeat my words intentionally, or not, since my vocabulary is really weak or anythi- ANYWAY! This is just suppose to be an introductory blog, or article or was it a post?, for this 'The Phases Of Day' blog... Don't expect too much! This could either be a place, or rather blog, where I put stuff that interests me or whenever I need to show something to others!

So that's all for now! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! See you soon again, people! Oh, oh! Right, I love copy pasting stuff so I may not be original sometimes in my post! If you find it offending please do so inform since I'm new to the blogging community!

- Alma Shal Mael Armia, please call me Asma from now on! Yeah, it sounds like asthma but whatever! Oh, oh! And the anime girl character used is Suzutsuki Kanade from Mayo Chiki! I'm a fan of her sadistic and masochistic atittude!